About Calapitter Creations

“C-a-l-a-p-i-t-t-e-r” is the way a lot of young kids pronounce caterpillar. It’s sticky, it’s a silly fun name, and we bet you’ll never be able to say caterpillar correctly again!


It all began with a child's wish to have kid-sized picture books where they could become the main character in a story. This wish is now a reality! "I'm bored" is sure to become a phrase of the past.


We provide the settings and kids provide the stories. What child doesn't like to dress-up, be a hero, or tell a funny tale? Our Walk-in and Junior Storybooks offer play-acting fun with almost limitless endings.


The last few details are completed and production is underway. Hooray! Teacher Alert: prepare to be dazzled with the sheer cleverness of the entire line of the Calapitter Creations Storybooks.


The only place to purchase our products is on this website. Since we invented the whole kit and caboodle, we’re able to sell directly and keep the prices lower than selling through retail stores.


Children's cognitive, social, and literacy skills improve dramatically with pretend play. A wide variety of themes are offered whereby kids can improvise and create their own unique story!


The best way to stay informed is to add your email address to our mailing list. We’ll let you know as soon as new products are in stock and ready to ship. And we promise we won’t share your name. Ever!

Made in USA

Made in The U.S.A.

Frames and backdrop panels are proudly designed and manufactured in the U.S.A.